HHM Lawyers Continue to Provide Legal Services During Pandemic

With the relaxation of some business shutdown measures across Ohio, HHM is continuing to provide excellent legal services and a safe environment. All three of our offices remain open.

As the health and safety of our employees, clients and colleagues remains top priority, we continue to take precautionary measures to protect everyone in our offices. Many of our lawyers continue to work remotely to limit personal contact. Lawyers and staff working in the offices are wearing masks, sanitizing regularly and encouraging social distancing. 

We’re strongly encouraging clients to wear masks while they’re in our offices. (Click here for more information about masks from the CDC.) 

We continue to assist clients with all legal matters, including issues related to COVID-19. We are conducting virtual meetings with clients through various video conferencing platforms as well as by phone and email. We’re meeting with clients in person when it’s necessary. 

Although court activities are still limited, we are operating at our normal office hours and remain available to attend to your legal needs.  

Courts are handling various matters differently and we continue to research and stay on top of the latest regulations.

For questions regarding a particular matter or case, please contact your lawyer.  We hope all of you remain safe and healthy as we continue to deal with this significant health issue.

For any questions or concerns, please contact us.  

– Harrington, Hoppe & Mitchell Management Committee